Happy One Month Blogging!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Guess what?

Yesterday was my ONE month Blog-aversary!

I totally forgot with all the excitement of the link-up.  Thank you to everyone that participated, especially my co-hosts!  You all rock my socks off!  You can keep linking up if you're tardy for the party.  Just go to the post here.

I'm reaching the point where I might want to share my blog with my friends.  How long did you all wait until you told friends or family?  A few select people already know about the blog and have browsed it a bit but I haven't made a point about making it public.  Not sure if I want to yet...Any advice?

If you like what you see here, feel free to add me on my other social media outlets.  I'm going to start using the Facebook page now that I'm writing pretty regularly so look for updates there!  If you are following on GFC, I highly recommend also following on Bloglovin' - GFC is disappearing in June and BL is a great way to see all the blogs you know and love in one place!

I have a lot of exciting things planned for the next few months - both on the blog and in "real" life.  I'm thankful I have this outlet now to document this stage of my life.  More importantly, I'm humbled and excited by all the amazing people I've already met on here.  You all inspire and motivate me! 

Cheers!  It's almost the weekend!


  1. Happy one month!
    I haven't "outed" my blog to my family and friends yet, but I did that with my old blog about 6 months in. Sometimes they'll find this one from that one, but not often. It really just depends on how you feel about everyone in your world reading what you're writing!

    1. Thank you! Maybe I'll keep it quiet for a little bit longer!

  2. Happy one month!! It took me a month to tell my boyfriend and we live together. Only my closest friends know.. I don't know when I'll tell my family. Or even if I will. I think ya just have to play it by ear and see who you want to include!

    1. Thanks girl!

      OMG that's too funny. How did he not notice all the time you spent on your laptop?

      It's nice to be able to be a little more candid on the blog so I might keep it under wraps for a while longer :)

  3. Congrats!!!!! It's almost my ONE YEAR!!! I can't believe I have been blogging for a whole year! Keep up the good work :)

    1. Thank you! Congrats on your upcoming anniversary! I love reading your blog :)

  4. HAPPY ONE MONTH! I just started & I can't wait till I can have an anniversary :) I told my some of my close friends & my family during the planning process of the blog. It's great to get out there!

  5. I'm SO up in the air about friends/family reading my blog... my family does, but what I don't like is that some local 'friends' (more like acquaintances) do. I was at the ball park watching my son's baseball game the other day and another mom (who I'm FB friends with but not a great friend by any means) starts talking about different posts on my blog. It was SO awkward. It's a double-edged sword I guess. I want people to read of course but at the same time, I like some privacy. Strange, I know!

    1. You hit the nail right on the head! It's the acquaintances that I'm worried about. People who have some type of insight into your life but not enough to understand from a loved one's or a complete stranger's perspective.

      How awkward! You get to deal with a whole different demographic - crazy Mommies. :)

      I guess I'll just see how it goes. A few of my FB friends found the Facebook page so I think I'm "out" but not openly promoting it.

  6. Loving your blog! Found it with the WIW Link up, congrats on hosting! Not really related to your post but wanted to share :) --off to stalk you on all social media--

    1. Thanks so much :) I'm so thankful for the link up. I've already met so many fantastic ladies!
