Friday Five Things: July 5

Friday, July 5, 2013

I Don't Go to the Gym Blog Hop

I'm linking up for the first time with the ladies at I Don't Go to the Gym! Go check them out!

Quick Five:
1. Happy 4th of July!
I hope everyone had a safe and fun Fourth! Nothing exciting to report here - I had to work. Surprise! I don't get too worked up about holidays so I doubt I would've done much without being at work. I definitely don't sound like the usual patriot and lover of liberty that I truly am. Woof.

Nick and I saw The Heat yesterday with Sandra Bullock and Melissa McCarthy. We both thought it was pretty funny! I'm all about girl power and girls being hilarious but the plot was pretty generic. I will also proudly admit that I have a long standing girl crush on Sandra Bullock. How can you not love her? 

2. I've been eating like a goober.
The past few days of eating have been sub-optimal. I've been snacking a little bit more than usual and letting myself eat things I really shouldn't eat at this stage of the game like the sucky Mexican food the night before my race. Pretty sure carb loading is not required for a short race. Get a grip, Heather. Anyway - today it's back on the wagon (GASP! on a Friday?). Why wreck everything that cleanse did to jump start my efforts?

Reuben Sandwich - I only ate half but still...
3. Weigh In Wednesday Update/Thank You
When I weighed in on Wednesday I was practically the same as when I finished the cleanse right before the weekend (lost 0.2 lbs) so that's good news! Now I need to keep going :) I would love to make it to Onederland by August!

I also want to give a HUGE thank you to everyone who commented, tweeted, emailed, etc. such kind messages about the cleanse and my weight loss thus far. I cannot express to you how full my heart is with your thoughtful comments. This blogging thing is really scary sometimes but connecting with you all makes it worth it and I hope we will all continue towards our goals together!

4. My 2nd 5K
Yesterday I ran my 2nd 5K! Well, I ended up walking a little here and there but that made me damn determined to take my training seriously, suck it up, and run the whole thing next time! 

I think my biggest problem is that I haven't been able to "get in the zone" with my running yet. I can't block out all the other people so I push myself a little too hard at the beginning and end up running a lot faster than my training pace (hovers between 11:30-12:30). I get tired too easily and end up walking. Granted I did improve my time by 1:15 (I finished in 35:45 which is an 11:32/mile) but now I need to focus less on speed and more on endurance. 

5. Training
My next 5K is August 2nd and then I'm toying with running a big 5K in Indianapolis on August 31st. I'm going to start Hal Higdon's Novice 5K training on Monday which will prepare me up to the second 5K race since I'm kind of over C25K. After that I'm going to start training for the Thanksgiving Day 10K Race also using Hal Higdon's Novice 10K. I like his free training programs because they include cross training in the schedule. As much as I enjoy running, I will never rely on running for my only workout and he says cross training (and rest) are what really help you improve - I agree. 

Five Workouts:
Monday: Ran 1.3 miles until I got rained on (hence why you should check the weather)
View from my car
Tuesday: Ran 1.25 miles in my cross training shoes which was a terrible idea and I had to stop. Then it rained. 
Wednesday: Boot Camp (45 min) I finally got a legitimate workout in!
Thursday: 5K Run
Friday: probably TurboFire & Strength

What a crappy week of working out! Every time I motivated myself to go run, it got cut short by rain or something else. Kind of a slumpy week so I'll definitely need to fit something in this weekend! 

My 5K Playlist:

This is what I listened to as I ran. Some old and some new. I'm a pop alternative girl. Fun Fact: At the height of the Avril Lavigne craze, my best friends and I would go to school dressed like Avril - eyeliner, lots of bracelets, Hot Topic type clothes, and even that stupid tie. I kid you not. I wish I could find a picture...7th grade was an awkward time for me.

What do you listen to while running?
How long did you train for your first 5K/10K?
Any new running tips/tricks?


  1. Congrats on your 5k! I run into the same problem as well. If I start out too fast, I end my run frustrated and upset with myself. When I concentrate on starting slow and continuing to build speed slooowwwly, I end my runs feeling like I can do more. I'd say my biggest tip that I've learned is, when the thought pops into your head, "Maybe I should stop and walk," slow down. I tell myself to slow down my pace, but still keep running for 20 seconds. Usually, by the end of the twenty seconds, I feel better and am ready to go again.

    This blog ( has a TON of free, downloadable songs. They're mashups and mostly all really upbeat. Because they have 2-3 songs in each one, it's harder to get bored when running.


  2. Current Favourites:

    Treasure - Bruno Mars

    Wings - Little Mix (GREAT running song. Gets me motivated)
    Glowing - Nikki Williams
    Anything Could Happen - Ellie Goulding
    Stronger - Kanye West

    Congratulations on the 5K! WOO!

  3. Heather Pretty Strong MedicineJuly 5, 2013 at 8:35 PM

    Oh thanks for sharing! I just added Wings to my iTunes and I love it too!

  4. Girl it sounds like you are doing awesome!!! I've heard great things about Hals running programs. For me, I don't think running ever gets easier! I just run longer but it's still just as hard hahah!

  5. I ate the other half of your sandwich (pictured above)!!

  6. Barbara Mizzoni-YoungJuly 6, 2013 at 11:17 AM

    Wow, it seems to me after scrolling through your blog, that you are doing great with your goals. You are cute as a button and your blog shows it. I used to run ages ago, now I walk, easier on the joints of a 48 year old. I usually just listen to nature and watch everything around me. I like to get in touch with the sounds around me.
    Found you on the First Friday Blog Hop. Following you via Bloglovin'.

    Barbara @

  7. Heather Pretty Strong MedicineJuly 7, 2013 at 2:42 PM

    Good! I didn't want it!

  8. Heather Pretty Strong MedicineJuly 7, 2013 at 2:44 PM

    Yeah, his program looks like a good amount of progression - I'm no good at pacing myself or knowing what to do :) I'm not sure it will ever be easy for me either but that's why we do it, right? We all need a good challenge

  9. Heather Pretty Strong MedicineJuly 7, 2013 at 2:45 PM

    I'm so going to try this tip! Maybe it will work for me, too especially when I start running longer distances :)

    Thanks for the link! I always need new music and free music is the best kind! I spend way too much on iTunes.

  10. Heather Pretty Strong MedicineJuly 7, 2013 at 2:48 PM

    Thanks for stopping by and following along! I'm getting there slowly but surely - definitely have plenty of hiccups along the way!

    I wish I could run without music but it's already bad enough that I'm running in the first place. Maybe I'll get to that point one day :)

  11. Jess @ CarpeTheSangriaJuly 7, 2013 at 7:50 PM

    Good job, girl!! Keep up the awesome running :)
