Weigh In Wednesday: Dec. 18

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Weigh IN Wednesday

Hello everybody! Welcome to Weigh-In Wednesday!
Please go check out my sweet co-host!

Ash @ A Step in the Right Direction

If you're new to the link-up, please leave a comment & say hi!

Not much to say today. Two exams today & one more on Friday...then I'm FREEEEEEEE! Hang in there, I'll be updating a lot over Christmas Break and getting back to a normal place.

Still maintaining with no gain. I'm sleep-deprived and feeling quite awful, though. I really hate drinking coffee but it's the only thing that can give me the jolt I need to keep studying.

 I hope you all had great weeks though! I can't wait to catch up on all your posts over break :) 

My life in pictures:

This is the only thing getting me through these long study sessions.

Snowy snow at school.

Study time!

Here's a sneak peak at my engagement photos! More to come soon.

Have a great Weigh In Wednesday!
What are you strategies for staying on track during the holidays and stressful times?


  1. BEAUTIFUL photos Heather. You are stunning. Beautiful smile and beautiful person. :)

    Can't wait for updates!!!!!

  2. Love your photos!! Good luck with the rest of your exams!


  3. Good luck on your exams!

  4. Good luck with the rest of finals! And those engagement photos are a total tease!! Beautiful!

  5. Hope your finals went well. Now enjoy the time off! And Yankee Candle is the way to get through anything in my opinion. My mom has banned me from buying more until after I've flown away from the nest and have a place of my own. So sad!

  6. My mom is the one who always buys all the candles...and then I steal them when I go back to school!

  7. Thank you! I think the snow really made them awesome!
