Weigh In Wednesday: January 15

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Pretty Strong Medicine

Hello everybody! Welcome to Weigh-In Wednesday!
Please go check out my sweet co-host!

Ash @ A Step in the Right Direction

If you're new to the link-up, please leave a comment & say hi!

Hola, friends! I finally fixed the darn button so here's hoping it worked! (Let me know if not...) No one ever said I was a tech guru...I still can't type to save my life and we've had a computer since I was 6 years old.

So things are looking up. I lost 3.4 lbs this week which brings the total loss to -21.5 lbs. I'm getting close to Onederland!!! My goal is to get there by Valentine's Day. I was at this weight BRIEFLY in November so this is officially the lowest I've been in years. 

I've been doing a pretty good job of limiting gluten and dairy in my diet. I've had a few slip up - wheat and dairy tend to sneak into things unexpectedly. Admittedly, I did have a slice of pizza my roommate made last night as well. 

Over the weekend Nick and I had our food and cake tasting so gluten and dairy obviously snuck in there as well but those were special circumstances. I'm probably eating about 70% clean - still room for improvement but I'm getting there.

Who makes the best eggs and bacon? Me! I made the bacon in the oven and it was UH-MAE-ZING

My workouts were a little sporadic last week, especially with going home to do wedding planning. I think I only worked out twice...OUCH. This week is off to a much better start. My roommate and I woke up at 5:45 this morning and made a trip to the school gym. 

I'm trying to find a good lifting plan - anyone know of any? 

Awkward working out selfies

This was how I felt trying all our yummy wedding food and desserts (Nick's puppy!)

A few other updates - yesterday was our 7 year anniversary! And we have 5 months until the wedding! Life sure does go fast.  

My half training starts officially on Thursday. I picked up my packet last night and it comes with a training plan in addition to club runs on Tuesday nights. I'll try to at least document all my long runs during the program and show how I improve. Right now i'm trying to decide on a few races to run to gauge my preparation before my half on May 4. I'll probably do a another 5K, 10K, and 15K before then.

Have a great week! How are you doing on your resolutions?


  1. I love eggs and bacon for breakfast, I have started getting up earlier to make sure i can actually cook a meal before i leave for work!

  2. You're a beauty. :)


    That's pretty awesome that signing up for the half comes with a running plan and a group of people to run with. Coolio!

  3. I'm new to wiw and wow... nice loss this week :) Keep up the hard work and you'll be in onderland in no time.
    ps. bacon in the oven is delicious.

  4. So so proud of you! And good luck on your marathon training. So inspiring!

  5. Awesome loss this week! Good luck with the mini.

  6. Hi Heather! I myself have been trying to transition to a vegan diet, and I have found this website very helpful for when I have cravings for sweet, not so dairy-free items! http://chocolatecoveredkatie.com/recipes/ It's a healthy, dairy-free dessert website! I can whip up one of these desserts to have on hand for the week so I don't end up indulging in ice cream or other not so healthy desserts. I thought this would be right up your alley considering your goals :) Good luck and great job with the weight loss :)
