Weigh In Wednesday: September 17

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

The Hump Day Blog Hop

Hello everybody! Welcome to Weigh-In Wednesday!
Please go check out my sweet co-hosts!

Ash @ A Step in the Right Direction
Erin @ She's A Big Star

Not a big loss today, but a loss none-the-less! I'm so happy I may have broken the 200 lb curse and a 2+ month plateau. 

Weighing In
Height: 5'8"
SW: 236.2
Last Week: 199.2
This week: 198.4
Change: 0.8
Total Loss: -37.8

I really want to hit -40 lbs lost now - that's the new goal! 2.2 lbs is totally doable by next week. In all honestly, I probably could've hit that this week but I haven't been paying attention to my diet again as much. Too many treats and not enough of the basics.  For instance, the Indiana Osteopathic Association was kind enough to provide pre-exam donuts for first and second years. Our first years had their first set of exams and we had our first EENT (eyes, ears, nose, throat) exam all on Monday.

*Sigh* I indulged. Which isn't a problem but I think it led me to a few other bad decisions  - like forgetting to pack my lunch and grabbing Subway (I'm not convinced that Subway meat is real) or eating pizza for dinner at the OB-Gyn Medical Resident Talk last night. 

Still though, I am consistently hitting the gym. Showing up but not with the same zest I had in the past. I feel like I'm hitting a rut - I miss having people to workout with but I also don't want to spend the extra money to join a gym with group classes. Nick has been going to the gym with me more lately but we both do our own thing so it's not like I have someone to "compete" with or push. 

What I really want to do is join a Crossfit gym - but they are SO expensive. Anywhere from $100-150/MONTH for one person. I think we could afford it (because we don't have a lot of expenses right now beyond rent/food/utilities) but that's money we can't save up for a honeymoon or an emergency fund. Just need to keep pushing myself, I guess!

I started doing Pipehitter at the beginning of the month but I decided to save that program for this winter.  I've started backing off lifting as much (25% of the workout instead of 75%)  and started throwing in more running and cardio into my routine.  You can't really build muscle and lose fat at the same time - building and breaking down are two opposing processes - so I want to focus on losing more fat before adding muscle mass. The goal for now is just to maintain my muscle mass (which I'm pleased with) and get to a desirable body fat %. After all, whats the point of building muscle if you can't see it under all the fat?

I try not to make a habit of taking study material to the gym with me - I think it's important to maintain a boundary between gym and school and you can't workout hard with notes in your face but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.  Instead of skipping the gym on Sunday, I hopped on the elliptical for 45 minutes and attempted to review my notes.  

Leaving with a little transformation pic. I found the picture on the left while flipping through old Facebook pictures - that was my senior year of college. It makes me so sad to look back at those pictures - I look just so unhealthy and unhappy (despite smiling). Sometimes I look in the mirror and I still can't see past those images. I guess when your weight loss is slow and less dramatic, you stop noticing the changes. Other people stop noticing the changes, too. The picture on the right reminds me that it's happening. 

How do you switch up your workout routine when you get bored/complacent? 


  1. Still a great loss! I've been struggling with what to do in my workout routine. I never know what to do beyond running. You have done amazing, and look awesome!!

  2. It's a loss! WOO!

    Also, Heather, you're GORGEOUS! Love the outfit you're wearing! So stylish!

  3. Still a loss! Don't let the bad days drag you down! Stay strong and remember it's okay to indulge every now and then. I alternate with workouts on Youtube. Some days its Zumba and some days its just a walk away the pounds.

  4. Uhm... holy shit girl. 1) we have the same starting weight except I'm still technically starting. By "starting" i mean I had Mcdonalds for lunch. UGH. Anywhoodle, you are hot and I am so happy for you.

  5. You are so close to your next goal. Next week is gonna be a good week. Hope you stay on track! Good luck.

  6. So close to 40! You can do it! You've got this girl!!

  7. LOL @ not thinking Subway meat is real. When I get bored I move on to another workout or (now that I have 8 lb weights) up the weight to challenge me more.

  8. good job...i lost 15 pounds when i started couch to 5k...I definitely recommend it. thanks for the link :)
